Entries by admin


How to Prioritize Intimacy After Having Kids

Many couples find that passion and romance dissolve in their relationship after the arrival of little ones. So if this is your experience, the good news is…you are not alone. Dr. John Gottman addresses this concern in his book And Baby Makes Three and in Bringing Baby Home Workshops – which is now offered by Thrive […]

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Kids Want Their Daddy…and Need Their Daddy

*In this post, “father” can be interchanged with the terms “coparent” or “father figure”. Moms are generally celebrated for the impact they have on their children (rightfully so). Songs are written about moms, support groups and communities tend to surround moms with the arrival of a new child, and with this, moms may more easily […]


How to be an Emotional Millionaire

Dr. John Gottman has received much attention for being known to be able to predict divorce with over 90% accuracy. He, along with his wife, have written many books about their years of research and train therapists on working with couples. According to Drs. John and Julie Gottman, the basis of a healthy marriage is […]

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Bringing Baby Home (BBH) Workshop

Helping new parents with the transition to parenthood Before baby arrives, most parents spend a great deal of time working on a registry to ensure they have everything they need as they prepare for the baby to come home. Many parents attend classes to learn the intricacies of the birthing process, and while this is […]


Drift and Divorce

Are you concerned your relationship is heading towards divorce? Many people believe the dissolution of a relationship is due to a major event such as an affair. While these kinds of events can lead to the termination of a relationship, a major cause of divorce is emotional distance or a gradual drift apart. This drift […]